No Bad Tools

Last summer, the professor of Digital Media introduced Google Glass and opened the floor for discussion. I was shocked that even my digital native classmates were as apprehensive about this new gadget as I was. Google Glass is a hands-free wearable computer mounted like a pair of glasses that allows you to take pictures, record…

Ain’t Nothing Free

The first big purchase I made when I moved to the US was a computer.  As a graphic designer, the investment on a powerful computer was not a want but a need.  Since I had no credit, I paid for it cash and was left with no money for software… very expensive software.  I was…

Convenience or Privacy?

We were so excited to go to St. Petersburg.  We left early and planned to stop in Naples for breakfast.  An hour into Alligator Alley my friend nervously announced that we were almost out of gas.  As any good copilot would do, I pretend to be calm and collected despite the fact that I knew…

Digital Heroin

In a split second, the screeching halt of the tires, the pull of gravity towards the windshield, and the memory of my mothers’ advice: “never ride with a drunken driver” converged, sucking the air out of my lungs and the drunkenness out of my system. I don’t remember how the eight of us got out…

Digital Who?

Just in case you have not noticed, you are living in two parallel worlds – planet earth and the digital world.  Your identity on the first one might include many labels such as: Hispanic, white, baby boomer, and female. The only demographic that counts in the Digital World is being a digital immigrant (DI) or…